If there were an exceedingly safe and effective treatment for COVID that would dramatically reduce deaths, hospitalizations and transmission, we would be insane not to use it. There is such a medication: ivermectin. It must be immediately deployed to prevent and treat COVID-19. Naturally derived from soil flora, it boasts a 40-year safety record of 4 billion doses in humans, and widely available and inexpensive. But, insanity prevails.
Privileged to practice medicine in this community for over 30 years, I am also honored to serve as the chairman of the Quality Committee of our Scotland Health Care System and as the physician on the Scotland County Board of Health. Advocating for ivermectin is the single most important thing I have ever done to try save lives. Many of my colleagues agree with me, but, I am writing my own professional opinion after months of intense study.
Both Moderna injections went in my deltoid as soon as possible in the first wave – health care workers. At 67 years old and working in a hospital, vaccination was an easy decision. Older people and those with compromising conditions should absolutely be vaccinated. But, the current vaccines are less effective against the variants, and are not as safe as we hoped. For the young and healthy a more cautious approach to the vaccines is totally reasonable.
Ivermectin’s effectiveness first became known to me in December 2020, when Dr. Pierre Kory testified before the US Senate. (YouTube finally gave up blocking video of his testimony.) The data-driven case for it becomes stronger by the day. There is now a mountain of clinical studies showing ivermectin yields dramatic reductions in COVID deaths, cases, disease severity, hospitalizations, and transmission. There is no evidence of harm. Several expert peer-reviewed meta-analyses by impartial researchers conclude that death from COVID can be reduced by as much as 80% with Ivermectin. The most compelling data is epidemiological, graphically revealing dramatic decreases in cases and deaths seen in areas all over the world as soon as it was widely distributed to their people. Mexico, India, and Peru are examples. Because of its safety and effectiveness, more placebo-controlled randomized trials are simply unethical.
I presented earlier data several months ago to my local colleagues through a Zoom meeting. Some of them began prescribing ivermectin. I felt morally and professionally compelled to spread the word as widely as I could, so I contacted influential doctor-leaders in the Atrium/Wake Forest University system, with which independent Scotland Memorial is affiliated. That was futile. There is irrational resistance to any deviation from the official cookbook handed down by the commissars on high. The basic recipe which is widely used is outdated, and biased toward expensive medications that are marginally effective and toxic.
In frustration, I now turn to the public, my patients, my friends, through my local newspaper. I appreciate the courage of The Laurinburg Exchange and its editor to allow me to speak. (Facebook has censored me.)
On this topic, like many these days, information and debate – free speech – is not allowed. Open scientific discussion, especially of ivermectin, and other potentially helpful, inexpensive and safe treatments, has been blocked by the social media oligarchs. The ruling elite, big pharma, and big media are on board with this Orwellian and deadly censorship.
The FDA and WHO also say “no” to ivermectin for Covid. (The NIH actually revised their stance to neutral – the same as for the monoclonal antibody products such as Regeneron.) Why? Follow the money. These agencies are corrupted by their funding and their intimacy with “big Pharma.” Companies manufacturing these novel vaccines are immune from legal liability for any harm they may cause, and are guaranteed payment for them. Remdesivir (not effective and toxic) and the antibody infusions (they help if given very early) are expensive, patented products which are pushed for profit. Further, the vaccines are only approved under an “emergency use authorization,” which means that if there is a safe and effective treatment alternative, their conditional approval is in jeopardy.
The Merck Company, which has an expensive unproven antiviral in the pipeline, is out with negative statement, without any supporting data, about ivermectin for COVID — a medicine for which they used to hold the patent. Soon after their statement, Merck received over 250 million government dollars to support their work. Microbiologist and ivermectin co-Nobel Prize holder Satoshi Omura, who actually discovered this naturally-derived medicine in the Japanese soil and brought it to Merck, said that “special approval for ivermectin to treat Covid-19 should be given”.
Ivermectin is so safe, well-tolerated, and effective that virtually everyone infected or exposed to this virus, and every hospitalized patient, would benefit greatly from taking it. And it is effective against all of the variants. Earlier treatment is better, but it works late, and even for “long COVID.” Giving it to household members of Covid infected patients, and prophylactic dosing to health care workers is effective as well. Preventative dosing is a reasonable alternative for the vaccine hesitant, even while they wait to decide about the vaccine.
I have prescribed ivermectin widely for prevention and treatment to hundreds of people nationwide, including some of my orthopedic patients, and for my friends and family. I have colleagues prescribing it for me and my immediate family. Many have been taking it regularly for months. Even though vaccinated, I can still contract COVID, and though it is unlikely I would become very ill, I take it myself when I think I may have been exposed. No family member of mine will face this disease without a liberal dosing of ivermectin.
Do your own research. The best resouces are www.flccc.net, and the BIRD group. Then ask for it. It is likely that if you do, the prescriber will feel “off the hook”. Most of us will not deny a reasonable request for a safe medication. Ivermectin is approved by the FDA for use in humans for parasites (worms, scabies), just as yet not officially for COVID. That means it is prescribed “off-label”, as are 20% of prescriptions in the US. Around the
world a growing number of governments have enthusiastically approved it, and their state health agencies have incorporated into inpatient and outpatient treatment. Many have distributed it in kits to their population. Those who have embraced ivermectin largely do not have the moneyed opposition, the big pharma factories, and many cannot afford the vaccines or cannot get them because the affluent countries are hording them. I support the vaccines for the vulnerable. With ivermectin used widely, vaccine deployment could be more strategic and equitable, worldwide.
Most of these types of appeals end with, “we are not giving medical advice.” Well, I am. I am a physician. I have studied this extensively. It is my professional and moral duty to spread this life-saving information. Every person is different, and I direct you to your own provider for that final prescription decision. But, the circumstances where ivermectin should not be used for COVID-19 are exceedingly rare. The potential benefit is huge. Resistance to it has cost a lot of lives.
In the words of BIRD (British Ivermectin Research Development) researcher, Dr. Tess Lawrie, of England, in a video to her prime minister, “please, can we start saving lives now?” She and her group have organized “World Ivermectin Day,” next Saturday, July 24.