LAURINBURG — Friday night is set to be an eventful night at the Morgan Complex with two community events set.
Starting at 6 p.m. at Dragon Park will be the Dragon Park/Scotland Yard Community Build party. The event will feature free pizza, free drinks, and free music as Scotland County Parks and Recreation unveils the new playground.
“We’re going to need a massive effort from community members volunteering to rebuild this playground in one week,” said Parks and Recreation Programs Supervisor Jeff Maley. “The company will be flying in to show us what the new playground is going to look like. There’s a lot of excitement around this project but we’re trying to build some more steam to get more volunteers to pull this off.”
The rebuild is set to begin on the first of September with pre-construction and the main part of construction happening from Sept. 18 to Sept. 23. The new playground will feature new equipment but will also be more accessible for all children.
“There’s a lot of excitement around this project but we’re trying to build some more steam to get more volunteers to pull this off,” Maley said. “So make plans to be here at this reveal party and let’s generate some excitement around this treasured playground, there will be a brand new structure here but we need you out here to volunteer.”
Following the free event, the Splash Pad will be open late for the first Waterlogged event of the year. The event starts at 7 p.m. and runs until 10 p.m.
The cost is $5 per swimmer and will include things beyond the Splash Pad such as inflatable water slides along with music and disco lights once the sun goes down.
For more information on either event contact Scotland County Parks and Recreation at 910-277-2588.